2023-2024 Primary One Admission Results of Allocation of Discretionary Places and Pupils Registration procedures
Date: 05/06/2023
2023-2024 Primary One Admission Results of Allocation of Discretionary Places and Pupils Registration procedures
1.Registration Date : 13th June 2023 (Tue) & 14th June 2023(Wed)
2.Office hours : 9:00a.m.- 12:00noon and 2:00p.m. – 4:00p.m.
3.Documents required:
a. Parent's copy of Application Form for Admission to Primary One
b. A true copy and a photocopy of Student Birth Certificate (or Certificate of Entitlement of the student)
c. A student's photo
d. Two stamped self-addressed envelopes
e. Proof of residential address and its photocopy
( Stamped tenancy agreement, demand note for rates, public housing tenancy agreement or water / electricity / town gas / residential telephone bills and a photocopy of the document only. )
*Failure to register with the school within the specified period would lead to forfeiture of the discretionary place offered.
2023-2024 P1 Admission Application
1.Application Procedure: Fill in Application Form at school in person or download it from
‘Information for the Kindergarten Parents' on our school website.
Documents required :
a. True copy and a photocopy of Student Birth Certificate
(or Certificate of Entitlement of the student)
b. Photocopy of Application Form for Admission to Primary One
c. Parent /Guardian HKID card or passport
(For checking the relationship with the applicant only, no need to provide a photocopy)
d. A student's photo
e. Proof of residential address and its photocopy
(Stamped tenancy agreement, demand note for rates, public housing tenancy agreement
or water / electricity / town gas / residential telephone bills and
a photocopy of the document only. )
f. School Places Allocation-Primary One 2023 Choice of Schools Form photocopy
g. Two stamped self-addressed envelopes.
h. Complete the 'Application Form for Admission to Primary One'.
2. Interview : Notification of interview will be arranged one week after the
submission of application form.
Time for interview will be notified by phone
(Parent should accompany with the student to attend the interview.)
3. Result release : Successful applicants will be notified by phone.
4. Enquiry hotline: Please contact at 2455 6111